Medicare Made Easy?

Did you know there are 66 Million people that have Medicare in the United States and about 10,000 people going on Medicare every day?

How many of those people actually understand it? Very few!

In a nutshell, Original Medicare has 2 parts:
Part A is inpatient hospital care and essentially pays for your hospital room. It may cost you a minimum of around $2,000 if you are admitted to the hospital when all hospital charges are accounted for.

Part B is outpatient care and essentially covers 80% of all Medically necessary services. You may be responsible to cover the remaining 20% of those costs. That includes doctor visits, tests, lab work and other office related charges.

What are my financial risks with original Medicare?
That means you pay 20% of all charges whether it is $100 or $100,000 . . . or more ! There is no ceiling with Original Medicare. What does that mean? It means if you have a 100K bill from doctors and hospitals you are responsible for 20% of those bills.

$100,000 in bills? Are you okay paying $20,000?

Do you have that kind of money?

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