How to qualify for Medicaid
How to qualify for Medicaid and/or possibly get Extra Help on your prescription drug expenses. We may be able to help…
Full Medicaid
If your income is around 12K (or below) per year (1K per month or less) you may qualify for the state paying most of your medical bills. If you have a pension from previous employment this must be included in the income calculation.
We may be able to help you qualify for State assistance. Find out now
Partial Medicaid
If your income is more than 12K per year and less than around 14.5K per year, you may qualify to get your Medicare Part B premium ($135.50 / month) paid for you. This is completely dependent on your State guidelines.
We may be able to help you qualify for State assistance. Find out now
Extra Help on Prescription Drugs
If your income is above your 14.5K and under 18.5K you may qualify for a reduction in your prescription drug copays. Check with your state Department of Health and Human Services.
We may be able to help you qualify for State assistance. Find out now
If your income is above 18.5 K per year your state may have an Assistance and you are single you may qualify for Extra Help – LIS (Help to lower your cost for the Prescription Drugs)
If your income is above 18.5 K and you live in one of the following states you may qualify for a State Pharmaceutical Assistance Program: